Top 25 Minnesota
Veteran Owned


Minnesota Landlords, Eviction Rights are Back!

June 29, 2021 marked the beginning of the end of the COVID-19 eviction suspensions in Minnesota. The State of Minnesota passed Minnesota Session Laws 2021, 1st Special Session, Chapter 8 H.F. No. 4, Article 5. This law, which has come to be known as the Eviction...

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Dog Fright

Dogs can injure persons in numerous ways, not just by biting. A dog can bite, scratch, trip, knock down, or frighten a person, causing damage.

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Homeowners Associations

HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONS Real estate developments are increasingly formed as Common Interest Communities in which there is individual ownership of homes combined with shared expenses for repair and maintenance, property management, some utilities, or shared areas....

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Tax Considerations for Your Pet Trust

If you have set up a pet trust for the care of your pets after you are    no longer able to care for them, or if you are interested in doing so,  you may want to consider the following information regarding the  taxation of this type of trust. There are a few types of...

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I Want a Pet Trust, but How Do I Fund It?

When making your estate plan, you may wonder how you will ensure your beloved pets are taken care of after you’re gone. With a pet trust, you can designate money to be used for the benefit of your pets, so that a chosen caregiver is not burdened with your pets’...

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Cryptocurrency Tax Considerations for Investors

Many view the world of virtual currency (or “cryptocurrency”) as an unregulated landscape. While it is true that this new area of technology is constantly advancing, and lacks many of the regulations in place for traditional forms of commerce, the profits involved in...

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Alternatives to Litigation

If I have a dispute with two or more people, is there any other method to resolve the differences other than litigation or court? Yes!  There are numerous alternatives to trial or litigation if you have a dispute.  Minnesota courts often require that parties...

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