HOW DO WE KEEP THE CABIN IN THE FAMILY?TRUST OR LLC? A Cabin Trust GuideDeciding what to do with the family cabin is an important issue for many in estate planning. You want to ensure your children can enjoy the cabin after your passing and that its ongoing ownership...
Understanding Wrongful Death Actions
The loss of a loved one is tragic and devastating. There is no amount of money that can replace the companionship and spirit of those who have left us. However, if one’s loved one has been caused by the wrongful act or omission of another, they may wish to bring a...
Can Police Lawfully Withdraw My Blood Without My Consent?
Getting pulled over by police for a suspected DWI or DUI can be a stressful ordeal. This ordeal can be even more strenuous when suspects are subjected to a blood draw. The piercing of needles into the skin and removal of one’s blood is an invasive procedure that many...
I Don’t Have Children So Why Do I Need to Conduct Estate Planning?
In today’s modern world, the number of childless households is growing. Singles or couples without any children might think that a will is unnecessary. However, this is a false belief. In reality, drafting a will is even more important for childless individuals. This...
Child Protection (TPR)
CHILD PROTECTION: HOW DO I RESPOND TO WHEN FACED WITH A PETITION FORTERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS? Termination of Parental Rights “TPR” matters are brought in juvenile court in Minnesota and are governed by the Rules of Juvenile Protection Procedure. Allegations...
Understanding Special Needs Trusts and Supplemental Needs Trusts
Many Minnesota residents have a relative or friend who is physically or mentally disabled. As a result, many Minnesotans may wonder how they can provide financial support for these individuals. It is important to understand special needs trusts and supplemental needs...
What Are Real Estate Deeds? Understanding the Different Types of Real Estates and their Implications
Most people through either television or personal conversation have heard the term “deed” but might be confused on what this term entails. A real estate deed is a written document that transfers ownership of real property from a seller, often called the “grantor”, to...
Acquiring an Order for Protection
Domestic and family violence remain to be prevalent problems in today’s world. However, there are legal devices that can help abuse victims. One such tool is an order for protection (“OFP”). What Is an OFP? An order for protection, often referred to as an “OFP”, is a...
Child Protection (CHIPS)
CHILD PROTECTION: HOW DO I RESPOND WHEN FACED WITH A PETITION FOR CHILD(REN) INNEED OF PROTECTION AND SERVICES? Child(ren) in Need of Protection or Services “CHIPS” matters are brought in juvenile court in Minnesota and are governed by the Rules of Juvenile Protection...
My Child Was Injured at School or During a School Activity, What Can I Do?
Many Minnesota residents have a relative or friend who is physically or mentally disabled. As a result, many Minnesotans may wonder how they can provide financial support for these individuals. It is important to understand special needs trusts and supplemental needs...
Contractor’s Recovery Fund: Minnesota’s Recourse When Contractors Cannot Pay for Botched Contracting Jobs
A botched contracting job can be severely stressful for homeowners, especially when it appears that a contractor will not be able to pay even if a legal judgment is obtained against them. Therefore, it is important for all Minnesota homeowners to know about their...
What Happens to Me If I am Charged with A DWI?
Getting charged with a DWI can be overwhelming. Such a charge can have both criminal and administrative consequences. Luckily, the attorneys at Dudley and Smith, P.A., can help contest a DWI charge. DUI v. DWI: Is there a Difference? Many individuals might get...